How Blueprint Helped Russell and Beth: A Case Study

Note: All identifiable information has been changed to protect patient health informatio‌‌n Beth Lee was a 19-year-old Asian-American female who was referred for treatment at my clinic due to social anxiety following her first semester of college. As the semester progressed, Beth became increasingly anxious around her peers at…

Understanding Passive Behavioral Data

One feature in the Blueprint platform that always takes clinicians by surprise is the ability to collect what’s called “passive behavioral data” from our patients. Sounds fancy, right? Well…it is! And trust me, you don’t need to be a data scientist to figure out how to leverage…

How Blueprint Helped Russell and Jim: A Case Study

Note: All identifiable information has been changed to protect patient health information. Jim Fay was a 45-year-old Hispanic male who I had been working with for just over a month. Jim carried a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), and we had been working together on better understanding the relationships…