Blueprint research presented at the 2020 Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) world conference

The research team at Blueprint was thrilled to be a part of the 2020 Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) world conference! Despite the conference being virtual this year, Blueprint was involved in a number of ways including presenting on two research studies below.

The first study investigated Blueprint's passive behavioral data and identified a significant predictive relationship between daily mobility patterns and maladaptive psychological processes.

"Digital phenotyping may thus represent a scalable and context-sensitive solution for improving population-wide contextual behavioral prevention and intervention efforts"

This finding is important as clinicians (especially those who practice 3rd wave cognitive-behavior therapy modalities such as ACT and DBT) can gain insight into their patients' behavioral risk factors without them having to manually self-report on a daily basis - a process that can be burdensome for patients and difficult to maintain over time.

The second study explored the role of acceptance as it relates to excessive social media exposure and found that daily tracking of acceptance-based experiences may help identify whether or not an individual is at risk for negative effects associated with social media engagement, such as decreases in self esteem and body image concerns.

"Results of the current study indicate that acceptance may be a protective factor and may play an important role in buffering youth against the potential negative effects of excessive social media consumption"

By tracking state levels of acceptance on a daily basis among our patient populations, we can begin to proactively identify those who may be at risk for such negative effects. This finding helps remind us of the importance of acceptance as a quality to cultivate in our patients - especially adolescents and young adults who spend much of their time online.

From all of us at Blueprint, thank you ACBS for another wonderful conference experience!